6 Best Soup Canning Recipes for Food Storage

My 6 favorite soup pressure canning recipes for food storage. Easy homesteading canning recipes.

When I first started canning, it took me a while to get up the courage to start canning homemade soup. Pressure canning can come across as a little intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it is easier than you think. All of these soup canning recipes have easy step by step instructions and videos to help you get started.

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Canning Beef Stew


This beef stew recipe is the most popular canning recipe on my blog. It gets searched for thousands of times each year. It’s really easy to make! You don’t have to cook any of the ingredients ahead of time, just chop up all of the meat and vegetables and place in sterilized jars with beef broth and the soup cooks right in the jar. It’s an easy way to make sure that you have beef stew on hand all year round.


canning beef stew

Canning Chili

Homemade chili is the best! It’s even better when it’s already made ahead of time and all you need to do is heat it up. This recipe takes a little prep work. Make sure to leave yourself time to soak the beans and to cook the hamburger ahead of time. It’s worth the extra work! Here’s my recipe for canning chili.


Canning Split Pea Soup


Homemade spilt pea soup is the best. For a long time I didn’t know it was possible to can it, but it is! This soup canning recipe (and bean and ham soup) are great ways to use up leftover ham after the holidays. It’s also very inexpensive to make if you already have split peas in your food storage. Here is my recipe for canning split pea soup.


Easy recipe for pressure canning split pea soup. One of my favorite recipes for canning soup.

Canning Bean and Ham Soup


Homemade bean and ham soup is one of my family’s favorite soup recipes. We enjoy it at any time of year. That’s why it’s so great to have it made up ahead of time and available in our food storage. I often make it after  Thanksgiving or Christmas when we have leftover ham. No need to soak the beans ahead of time for this recipe. Here is my recipe for canning bean and ham soup.


How to can homemade bean and ham soup. Step by step pressure canning for beginners.

Canning Tomato Soup


When I was first looking at canning tomato soup, I saw that there was a secret ingredient–Clear Jel, a thickener used in canning (for sauces and pie fillings). It ensures you don’t have runny soup and gives your tomato soup the same consistency of store bought tomato soup. Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed! Here is my recipe for canning tomato soup.

 Easy recipe for canning tomato soup, just like Campbell's condensed cream of tomato soup!

Canning Vegetable Broth


It’s nice to have vegetable broth on hand when you need it. This soup is perfect for food storage. You can serve it plain or use it to prepare other recipes. It’s great for using up leftover vegetables from the refrigerator or from your garden. Here is my recipe for canning vegetable broth, and here is my recipe for canning chicken broth.



Follow my canning and preserving board on Pinterest.


My 6 favorite soup pressure canning recipes for food storage. Easy homesteading canning recipes.


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