Green beans are one of the easiest vegetables to grow in your garden. In no time you will be swimming in green beans! Canning is a great way to preserve green beans so that you can enjoy them all winter long. If you are new to pressure canning, canning green beans is a great way to start.
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How to Can Green Beans
- Green beans
- Salt (optional)
Two pounds of fresh green beans will fill approximately 1 quart jar or 2-3 pint jars.
Related Article: How Far Apart to Plant Green Beans: A Quick Guide
Sterilize your canning jars and start heating up the water in your pressure canner.
Rinse the green beans and trim off all the ends. You can either cut them with a knife or just snap them off with your fingers. Cut or break the green beans into halves or thirds.
Ball Complete Book of Home PreservingThe Amish Canning Cookbook: Plain and Simple Living at Its Homemade Best
DIY Pickling: Step-By-Step Recipes for Fermented, Fresh, and Quick Pickles
Step by Step Video
Watch the video below to see me canning green beans, step by step.
Canning Instructions
Place 1 tsp. salt into each sterilized jar (optional). Fill jars with green beans. Add boiling water, leaving 1 inch head space. You can easily measure the head space with this inexpensive canning funnel.
Wipe rims of jars with damp paper towel. Place rings and lids on jars.
Process jars in a pressure canner at 10 pounds pressure for 20 minutes for pints or 25 minutes for quarts.
Related Article: Bush Beans Square Foot Gardening
Remove the jars from the canner and place on a towel on the kitchen counter to cool. After the jars have cooled, test the lid seals by pressing your finger down in the center of the lids to make sure they are sealed.
Place any jars that have not sealed in the refrigerator and eat them in the next week or two. Sealed jars can be stored in the pantry for 1-2 years.
If you run out of canning jars before you run out of green beans in your garden, find out how to freeze green beans.
Follow my canning and preserving board on Pinterest.
Presto 01781 23-Quart Pressure Canner and CookerT-fal B36262 Specialty Total Nonstick Dishwasher Safe Oven Safe Stockpot Cookware, 12-Quart, Black
Prepworks by Progressive Canning Funnel for Regular and Wide Mouth Jars
Related Recipes
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- How to Freeze Green Beans
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In case you missed it:
Can I water bath can green beans or other vegetables in lemon juice?
Hi! Yes, you have to can green beans in a pressure canner. They are a low acid food so can’t be canned in a boiling water canner. The temperature of the water does not get hot enough to kill the bacteria in the low acid food. The pressure canner raises the temperature high enough to kill the bacteria. There are recipes where you can pickle green beans, though. I think they are called dilly beans. The green beans are canned with vinegar to pickle them. These are canned in the boiling water canner because the vinegar raises the acidity level of the recipe . Hope this helps! 🙂
Do these need a pressure canner or can you do them in a water bath?