Pepper Onion Relish

Canning pepper onion relish. This pepper onion relish is made from a combination of green and red bell peppers and onions. It is slightly sweet and would taste great on a sausage or hot dog.

Have you ever heard of pepper onion relish? I thought it was worth a try. I never realized that there are so many different kinds of relish. Way back when people grew gardens and canned out of necessity, there were many recipes for different kinds of relishes you can make from a variety of garden vegetables. 

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The green peppers I am growing in my garden are just starting to get ripe. They were the perfect size to try out this recipe. I bought a few red peppers at the grocery store. (Note to self: GROW red peppers next year. They are more than $1 a piece at the store!). I picked up a 20 lb. bag of sweet onions at a local farmers market for $5.


This recipe is supposed to make 4 pints of relish, but I found it only made about 3 1/2. You might want to add an extra bell pepper or two.

Prepare your canning jars. It is not necessary to process this relish if you are going to keep it in the refrigerator and eat it within a year. If you would like to put it in your pantry, you will need to process it in a boiling water canner.


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Pepper Onion Relish Recipe


  • 4 c. onion
  • 2 c. red bell peppers
  • 2 c. green bell peppers
  • 1/2 c. honey
  • 4 c. white vinegar

Prepare the vegetables by chopping them all into small pieces. You can use a food processor or chop them by hand.


Place the vegetables, honey, and vinegar, in a stainless steel or non-stick pan and cook until thickened, approximately 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.


Pack the vegetable mixture into hot sterilized canning jars, leaving 1/4 inch head space. If you are going to process them, place them in a boiling water canner for 5 minutes.


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Remove from canner and place on a towel on the kitchen counter until cool. Jars are sealed when you press down on the lid and it doesn’t pop back up again.


The half pint of relish I had left over I didn’t process but put in the refrigerator. I gave it a taste and was surprised how sweet this relish is. If you like a mustard relish, then you will like this relish recipe better. This onion relish would be great on a sausage!


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pepper onion relish recipe

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