Watermelon Jelly Recipe

Watermelon jelly recipe. This watermelon jelly is very easy to make and has a wonderfully light melon flavor. Easy watermelon jelly canning recipe for beginning canners.

How to Can Watermelon Jelly

If you are looking for a new flavor jelly to try, then you might like this watermelon jelly. It has a nice light melon flavor and is a fun summer treat. Even if you are a beginning canner you will find this watermelon jelly recipe easy to make. Watermelon jelly is now one of my favorite top 10 easy homemade jelly recipes.

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Watermelon Jelly Recipe


6 c. watermelon, chopped
1/2 c. apple cider vinegar
4 tbsp. lemon juice
5 c. sugar
1 box powdered pectin*
1/4 tsp. butter (optional)

*Note: If you are going to make a lot of jam and/or jelly, then you HAVE to try this powdered pectin that you can buy in bulk from Amazon. Six tablespoons of this pectin is the equivalent to one box of Suregel pectin. This is the ONLY way to buy pectin inexpensively if you are going to buy a lot of it (like I do!).

Related Article: Honeysuckle Jelly Canning Recipe: A Sweet and Floral Delight

Hoosier Hill Fruit Pectin, 2 lb bagHoosier Hill Fruit Pectin, 2 lb bagHoosier Hill Fruit Pectin, 2 lb bag

Place prepared watermelon in a large stock pot. Mash with a potato masher. Simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and mash until no lumps remain.

Place mashed watermelon in a jelly bag to strain juice (optional). Measure 2 cups watermelon juice, adding a little water if necessary to get exact amount.

Combine watermelon juice, vinegar, lemon juice, and pectin in a large sauce pan. Stirring constantly, heat until boiling.

Add the butter and return to a boil. Add the sugar. Return to a boil and boil for one minute.

Remove the pan from the heat. Remove any foam with a metal spoon.

Watermelon jelly recipe. This watermelon jelly is very easy to make and has a wonderfully light melon flavor. Easy watermelon jelly canning recipe for beginning canners.

Canning Instructions

Ladle the jam into hot sterilized jars, leaving 1/4 inch head space. Easily measure the headspace with this inexpensive canning funnel.

Place the jars in a boiling water canner and make sure the jars are covered with 1-2 inches of water. Bring water to a boil and process jars for 10 minutes.

Remove the jars from the boiling water canner and place on a towel on the kitchen counter to cool.

Note: Jelly make take several days for gel to completely set, so don’t move the jars for at least 24 hours.

Yield: 4 pints or 8 half-pints

Norpro Jelly Strainer Stand with BagNorpro Jelly Strainer Stand with BagGranite Ware Covered Preserving Canner with Rack, 12-QuartGranite Ware Covered Preserving Canner with Rack, 12-QuartPrepworks by Progressive Canning Funnel for Regular and Wide Mouth JarsPrepworks by Progressive Canning Funnel for Regular and Wide Mouth Jars

Related Jelly Recipes

Like this recipe? Try this recipe for canning watermelon rind preserves.

Follow my canning and preserving board on Pinterest.

Canning watermelon jelly for beginners. This watermelon jelly is very easy to make and has a wonderfully light melon flavor.

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14 Comments on "Watermelon Jelly Recipe"

  1. The video instructions are good.. however.. never ever place hot jars directly on the counter from the canner, it can cause the glass to burst. Make sure to place them on a folded towel or insulated mat. And do not move them for 24 hours..

  2. You can Google freezer jam. I make strawberry Freezer jam all the time. It will be a little runny but it is so good.

  3. Hi! I haven’t tried it, but I don’t think jelly would freeze well. It would change the consistency and texture of it.

  4. Hi, I enjoyed making your recipe and thank you for sharing it with us! While making it, I was preparing for four jars (as counted on the yield amount, pint), but I happened to only make three perfect jars, no left overs, no discards. I followed the directions and amounts perfectly, I’m wondering if there was a possible mess up in the yield statement?

  5. I wish you could make you recipes more friendly. Your recipes sound great .

  6. Hi Terrie, that’s a good question! You can totally leave the mashed watermelon in it (or maybe just some of it??). It’s just a matter of preference. Some like the jelly better but if you leave the pulp in it, it just turns it into jam 🙂

  7. Can you use all of the mashed watermelon and have it end up like preserves or do you have to strain it? Thanks! Terrie

  8. Hi Eve, the butter is added to reduce foaming. It will still foam a little but not as much if you add the butter. Adding it is totally optional though, it is not necessary for the recipe.

  9. Did this really set? I tried a recipe last year and wasted 80 bucks would not set even after a week,

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