7 Uses for Goo Gone You’ve Never Thought Of

Goo Gone has been a favorite product of mine for many years. Goo Gone boasts many uses: removing stickers, labels, tape and more. There are actually many more uses for Goo Gone that a lot of people don’t know about, so I thought I would list them here.

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#1 Removing Silly Putty or Slime from Carpet


Goo Gone is great for removing silly putty from carpet. It will require a lot of scrubbing but it will get it out. Note: Do not apply Goo Gone directly to carpet. Apply it to a damp cloth and rub the Goo Gone into the stain.


#2 Removing Yellow Armpit Stains from Shirts


If you or someone in your family has problems with excess sweating or perspiration that leaves yellow armpit stains on shirts, Goo Gone can get it out! Soak the stain with Goo Gone, let it sit for an hour or so, and then scrub with a scrub brush. Then wash the shirt in the washing machine, using a little more detergent than usual.


Related Article: How to Remove Goo Gone Residue: Easy and Effective Tips


#3 Removing Sharpie Marker on Vinyl Floor Mat


Goo Gone is great for removing sharpie marks from almost anything, including vinyl floor mats.


#4 Removing Paper Tape from Glass


Goo Gone works great for removing tape or stickers from glass, like on your bathroom mirror or car window.


#5 Removing Sticker Glue from Clothing


Goo Gone works great for removing labels and stickers from shirts, even after they have been washed.


#6 Removing Crayon Marks from Walls


If you have young children or grandchildren, then chances are you have had crayon marks on your painted walls at some point. Goo Gone works great to get these marks off. It will take a bit of scrubbing, but they will come off.


#7 Removing Glue from Scissors


I don’t know about you, but grabbing scissors out of the kitchen drawer and finding that they are completely sticky from whatever project my kids last made with lots of glue is really annoying. Especially when every single pair you find is sticky (yes, that has happened to me). Good news is Goo Gone is great at getting off that sticky gunk and makes your scissors like new again!


Related Article: Removing Sticker Residue from Plastic: Easy and Effective Solutions


General Directions for Using Goo Gone


Goo Gone is a great product that has many uses around the home. Here are some general directions for using Goo Gone.


  • Test all surfaces in a small spot before applying over the whole surface. Do not use Goo Gone on silk, leather, suede, or rubber.
  • Apply Goo Gone to stain and let it set for a few minutes before wiping off with a clean cloth. Gently clean surface with soap and water.


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I love Goo Gone! Goo Gone has many cleaning uses you've never thought of or heard of before. Find out all the many uses of Goo Gone for sticker and stain removal in your home.

1 Comment on "7 Uses for Goo Gone You’ve Never Thought Of"

  1. Goo Gone also gets out cocking. When we lived in Labrador my son was asked to put the cocking gun away, well he decided to try it out on a dark wall to wall carpet. Of course it became impossible to remove. So he covered it up with a pillow. When I found the cocking on our carpet I thought I would call the carpet people and ask how to remove this stain, of course they did not have an answer for me…So off I went looking for an answer by trying different products.. I tried Go-Gone it says that it will remove the glue from the back of the carpet but it was wall to wall so I thought where could it go and yes it got rid of the cocking

    We also removed a drain that from a sink with Fo-Gone

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