5 Best Salsa Recipes for Canning

Easy recipe for canning mango peach salsa. My favorite salsa made from fresh peaches!

When I first started to learn canning, I made a lot of jam and canned some sliced peaches. It took me awhile to get around to canning homemade salsa, but when I finally did I was hooked. Over the years, I’ve tried many different salsa recipes, so I decided to put them all together in one place for easy reference. Right here you will find my 5 favorite salsa recipes for canning!

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Green Tomato Salsa Verde


If you end up with a lot of green tomatoes in your garden at the end of the summer, making green tomato salsa verde is a great way to use them up. It has a different flavor than traditional salsa, but I really like it. Salsa verde goes well with a lot of different foods, and it’s just nice to have something different once in a while (it’s also a great way to get rid of those green tomatoes). Here’s my recipe for salsa verde.


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Easy recipe for canning green salsa verde.


Peach Salsa


I love fresh peaches. When I am lucky to get my hands on some during the summer, I usually start with making some fresh peach jam. Slicing up peaches is a lot of work, so I usually do sliced peaches last. A couple of years ago, I tried canning peach salsa for the first time and I wasn’t disappointed. Peaches and onions actually go really well together! Try this recipe for peach salsa, I think you’ll like it!



The Best Salsa Recipe

Traditional homemade salsa is really great if you have a good recipe for it. I have tried a lot of different recipes, and this one is definitely the best. There’s a secret ingredient that will help thicken it so that your salsa won’t be too runny. I promise, it really is the best salsa recipe! Here is my recipe for canning traditional salsa.


Easy recipe for canning the best homemade salsa.


Tomatillo Salsa Verde


Like traditional salsa verde, tomatillo salsa verde is also a green salsa. The difference is that salsa verde is prepared with green tomatoes, and tomatillo salsa verde is prepared with tomatillos. To me, there isn’t a big difference in flavor, it’s really up to your preference and what you happen to have available on hand when you’re ready to do some canning. Here’s my recipe for canning tomatillo salsa verde.


Easy recipe for canning tomatillo salsa verde from fresh tomatillos.


Corn Salsa


I have to admit, I was a little skeptical about trying this corn salsa. It’s definitely not my favorite, but some people really like it! It is definitely worth giving a try if you like corn salsa. Here’s the recipe!


My favorite recipe for canning corn salsa.


That’s it, those are my favorite salsa recipes for canning. Enjoy!


Follow my canning and preserving board on Pinterest.


My 5 favorite salsa recipes for canning. Peach salsa, salsa verde, corn salsa, + my favorite traditional salsa recipe.



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