Remove Dried Paint from Clothes with Hairspray

Don't let dried paint stains ruin your clothes! Learn how to remove them with hairspray. Our easy-to-follow guide will show you how to salvage your favorite garments and keep them looking fresh and clean.

If you’ve ever accidentally gotten paint on your clothes, you know how frustrating it can be to remove. Dried paint is especially difficult to get out, often requiring harsh chemicals or professional cleaning. However, there is a simple solution that you may have never considered: hairspray.

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Yes, you read that right. Hairspray can actually help remove dried paint from clothing. This trick has been used by DIY enthusiasts and professional painters alike for years, and it’s surprisingly effective. In this article, we’ll explain how and why it works, as well as provide step-by-step instructions for using hairspray to remove dried paint from your clothes. So next time you find yourself in a painting mishap, don’t panic – just reach for the hairspray.


Say goodbye to paint stains on your clothes for good! With this simple hack, you can remove dried paint using just hairspray. Follow our step-by-step guide and enjoy stain-free clothes in no time.


Understanding the Type of Paint


When it comes to removing dried paint from clothes, it’s important to understand the type of paint you’re dealing with. Different types of paint require different methods of removal, and using the wrong method can actually make the stain worse.


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Here are some common types of paint and how to identify them:


Acrylic Paint


Acrylic paint is a water-based paint that is known for its fast-drying properties. It is commonly used in art projects and can be found in a variety of colors. If you have acrylic paint on your clothes, you can typically remove it by washing the garment in warm water.


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Water-Based Paint


Water-based paint is similar to acrylic paint in that it is also water-based. However, it is often used for larger projects such as painting walls or furniture. If you have water-based paint on your clothes, you can typically remove it with warm water and soap.


Oil-Based Paint


Oil-based paint is a type of paint that is known for its durability and resistance to wear and tear. It is commonly used on surfaces such as metal, wood, and concrete. If you have oil-based paint on your clothes, you may need to use a solvent such as turpentine or mineral spirits to remove the stain.


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Latex Paint


Latex paint is a water-based paint that is commonly used on walls and other surfaces. It is known for its durability and resistance to wear and tear. If you have latex paint on your clothes, you can typically remove it with warm water and soap.


Fabric Paint


Fabric paint is a type of paint that is specifically designed for use on fabric. It is often used in art projects and can be found in a variety of colors. If you have fabric paint on your clothes, you can typically remove it by washing the garment in warm water.


By understanding the type of paint you’re dealing with, you can choose the best method for removing the stain from your clothes.


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Supplies Needed


To remove dried paint from clothes with hairspray, you will need the following supplies:

  • Hairspray (aerosol works best)
  • Warm water
  • Detergent or dish soap
  • Stain remover (optional)
  • Rag or paper towel
  • Toothbrush or brush
  • Spoon or butter knife (optional)


Before you begin, it’s important to note that different types of paint may require different methods for removal. Always test a small, inconspicuous area of the fabric first to ensure that the method you choose will not damage or discolor the fabric.


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Identifying the Fabric


When it comes to removing dried paint from clothes, it’s important to first identify the fabric of the garment. Different fabrics require different cleaning methods, and using the wrong method can damage the fabric or make the stain worse.


Here are some common fabrics and how to identify them:

  • Cotton: This is a common fabric for many garments, including t-shirts, jeans, and dresses. Cotton is a natural fiber that is soft and breathable. You can identify cotton by its soft feel and the way it wrinkles easily.
  • Polyester: This is a synthetic fabric that is often used for athletic wear, as well as many other types of clothing. Polyester is lightweight, durable, and easy to care for. You can identify polyester by its smooth texture and the way it doesn’t wrinkle easily.
  • Triacetate: This is a synthetic fabric that is often used for formal wear, such as dresses and suits. Triacetate is lightweight and has a silky feel. You can identify triacetate by its smooth texture and the way it drapes easily.
  • Carpet: If you’re trying to remove dried paint from carpet, it’s important to know what type of carpet you have. Different types of carpet require different cleaning methods. You can identify carpet by its texture and the way it feels underfoot.


Once you’ve identified the fabric of your garment or carpet, you can move on to the next step of removing the dried paint.


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Preparation Process


Before attempting to remove dried paint from your clothes with hairspray, it is important to properly prepare the affected area. This will help ensure that you do not cause any further damage to your clothing.


First, identify the paint stain and determine if it is dried or still wet. If the paint is still wet, carefully blot up as much excess paint as possible using a clean cloth or paper towel. Be sure to work from the outside of the stain towards the center to prevent spreading the paint further.


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If the paint is already dried, use a dull knife or spoon to gently scrape off any excess paint from the surface of the fabric. Be careful not to damage the fabric or push the paint further into the fibers.


Before applying hairspray to the paint stain, it is recommended to perform a spot test in an inconspicuous area of the clothing to ensure that the hairspray does not cause any discoloration or damage to the fabric.


Once you have performed the spot test and determined that the hairspray is safe to use, generously spray the affected area with hairspray. Allow the hairspray to sit on the stain for a few minutes to loosen the paint.


After the hairspray has had time to work, use a clean cloth or paper towel to gently blot the stain. Be sure to work from the outside of the stain towards the center to prevent spreading the paint further.


Repeat the process of spraying hairspray and blotting the stain until the paint has been completely removed from the fabric.


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Removing Water-Based Paint Stains


If you’ve accidentally gotten water-based paint on your clothes, don’t worry! With a little bit of hairspray, you can easily remove the stain. Here’s how:

  1. First, remove any excess paint from the clothing by gently scraping it off with a knife or spoon.
  2. Next, wet the stained area with warm water.
  3. Spray hairspray directly onto the stain, making sure to cover the entire affected area.
  4. Allow the hairspray to sit on the stain for a few minutes.
  5. Using a toothbrush, gently scrub the stain in a circular motion. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this can damage the fabric.
  6. Rinse the clothing with warm water and blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel.
  7. If the stain is still visible, apply a small amount of laundry detergent directly to the stain and rub it in gently.
  8. Finally, wash the clothing in the washing machine on a normal cycle using warm water and laundry detergent.

With these simple steps, you can easily remove dried paint from clothes using hairspray. Remember to act quickly and avoid using hot water, as this can set the stain and make it more difficult to remove.


Removing Oil-Based Paint Stains

If you’ve accidentally gotten oil-based paint on your clothes, don’t panic. With a few simple steps, you can remove the stain and save your garment. Here’s how to remove oil-based paint stains from clothes using hairspray:


  1. First, scrape off any excess paint using a rag or paper towel. Be careful not to spread the stain further.
  2. Spray the stained area with hairspray. Make sure to saturate the stain completely.
  3. Let the hairspray sit on the stain for 5-10 minutes.
  4. After the hairspray has soaked in, use a rag to blot the stain. Don’t rub the stain, as this can spread it further.
  5. Rinse the stained area with hot water.
  6. Apply a small amount of dish soap to the stain and rub it in gently.
  7. Rinse the stained area again with hot water.
  8. If the stain persists, repeat steps 2-7 until the stain is gone.


If the garment is machine washable, you can wash it in the washing machine as usual after following these steps. A garment that is not machine washable can be hand washed in cold water with a mild detergent.


Note: If the paint stain is particularly stubborn, you can try using paint thinner instead of hairspray. However, be careful when using paint thinner, as it can be harsh and may damage certain fabrics.


Removing Acrylic Paint Stains


If you’ve accidentally gotten acrylic paint on your clothes, don’t worry! With a little bit of hairspray and warm water, you can easily remove the stain.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start by scraping off any excess paint with a brush or spoon. Be careful not to spread the stain further.
  2. Spray the stained area with hairspray. Make sure to saturate the stain completely.
  3. Let the hairspray sit on the stain for a few minutes. This will help break down the paint.
  4. Rinse the area with warm water. You can use a brush to gently scrub the stain if it’s particularly stubborn.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until the stain is completely gone.
  6. Once the stain is gone, wash the clothing item as you normally would in a washing machine.


It’s important to note that this method works best on fresh stains. If the paint has dried, it may be more difficult to remove. However, it’s still worth a try!


Removing Latex Paint Stains


If you’ve accidentally gotten latex paint on your clothes, don’t worry! You can easily remove the stain with hairspray. Here’s how:

  1. First, scrape off any excess paint with a spoon or butter knife. Be careful not to spread the stain further.
  2. Spray the stained area generously with hairspray. Make sure to cover the entire stain.
  3. Let the hairspray sit on the stain for a few minutes.
  4. Dampen a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and blot the stain. This will help to break down the paint.
  5. Rinse the stained area with cold water.
  6. Apply a small amount of detergent directly to the stain and rub it in gently.
  7. Wash the garment in the washing machine on a cold cycle.


Remember to always check the care label on your clothes before attempting to remove any stains. Some fabrics may require special treatment.


Post Removal Process


Now that you have successfully removed the dried paint from your clothes using hairspray, it’s time to take care of the post-removal process. Here are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure that your clothes look as good as new:

  1. Air dry your clothes: It’s best to let your clothes air dry after removing the paint. Avoid using a dryer as the heat can set the stain further and make it more difficult to remove. Hang your clothes on a clothesline or a drying rack and let them dry naturally.
  2. Check for any remaining paint: Before putting your clothes away, make sure to check for any remaining paint. If you notice any spots, repeat the removal process with hairspray.
  3. Avoid heat: If you need to iron your clothes, make sure to use the lowest heat setting possible. High heat can damage delicate fabrics and set the stain further.
  4. Handle with care: Be gentle with your clothes, especially if they are made of delicate fabrics. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the fabric as it can damage the fibers.
  5. Wash your clothes: Once your clothes are completely dry, you can wash them as you normally would. Use a gentle detergent and avoid using bleach or any harsh chemicals that can damage the fabric.


By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your clothes look as good as new after removing the dried paint with hairspray.


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Precautions and Tips


When removing dried paint from clothes with hairspray, there are a few precautions and tips you should keep in mind to ensure a successful outcome.


Spot Test


Before using hairspray on your clothes, it is essential to conduct a spot test to check for any adverse reactions. Apply a small amount of hairspray to an inconspicuous area of the garment and wait for a few minutes to see if there is any discoloration or damage to the fabric.




If your clothes are made of acetate, it is best to avoid using hairspray as it can cause the fabric to dissolve or melt. In such cases, it is recommended to take the garment to a professional cleaner.


Latex-Based Paint


If the paint on your clothes is latex-based, you can use hairspray to remove it. However, if the paint has dried for an extended period, it may not be as effective, and you may need to try other methods.


Machine Washing


After removing the paint, it is essential to machine wash your clothes to ensure that all the residue is removed. Use a mild detergent and wash the garment on a gentle cycle. Avoid using hot water as it can cause the paint to set further into the fabric.


Frequently Asked Questions


How can I remove dried paint from clothes using hairspray?


To remove dried paint from clothes using hairspray, you should first scrape off any excess paint using a dull knife or spoon. Then, spray the affected area with hairspray and let it sit for a few minutes. After that, use a clean cloth to blot the stain until it starts to lift. Repeat the process until the stain is completely gone.


What is the best way to get rid of dried paint stains on clothes?


The best way to get rid of dried paint stains on clothes is to act fast and try to remove the stain as soon as possible. Scrape off any excess paint, then use a combination of rubbing alcohol, dish soap, and warm water to blot the stain until it disappears. You can also try using hairspray or nail polish remover if rubbing alcohol doesn’t work.


Can baking soda remove dry paint from clothes?


Baking soda can be effective at removing dry paint from clothes, but it may not work for all types of paint. To use baking soda, mix it with warm water to form a paste, then apply the paste to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes, then use a clean cloth to blot the stain until it starts to lift.


How do I remove water-based paint that has dried on my clothes?


To remove water-based paint that has dried on your clothes, start by scraping off any excess paint with a dull knife or spoon. Then, soak the affected area in warm water for a few minutes. Use a clean cloth to blot the stain until it starts to lift. If the stain is stubborn, you can try using rubbing alcohol or hairspray.


What is the most effective way to remove dried acrylic paint from clothes?


The most effective way to remove dried acrylic paint from clothes is to use rubbing alcohol. Start by scraping off any excess paint, then saturate the stain with rubbing alcohol. Use a clean cloth to blot the stain until it starts to lift. Repeat the process until the stain is completely gone.


Is it possible to remove paint stains from clothes after they have been washed?


It is possible to remove paint stains from clothes after they have been washed, but it may be more difficult. If the stain is still visible after washing, try treating it with rubbing alcohol, hairspray, or a mixture of dish soap and warm water. Be sure to test any cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area of the fabric first to avoid damaging the garment.

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