Hopefully many of us have taken some time during the year to add a few ornaments to our Christmas Tree Decorations. Homemade Christmas ornaments are not only less expensive, but they give a homespun, warm feeling to our Christmas trees that you can’t get any other way.
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I have some ornaments that were given to me from a relative in the military that was stationed in Germany. They were very expensive. However, they sit cold and sterile on the tree. I have a much great appreciation for the things that my children have made (some of them quite old by now), and other handcrafted decorations.
Homespun, Economical Tree Decorations
*One very easy way to make ornaments is with clothespins and a glue gun. Take small decorative items, glue them on the clothespin, and just pin on the tree. One of my favorites is to take a piece of sheet music, roll it up like a scroll, and add some plastic holly or berries.
*Make decorations out of tiny toys (such as little cars, teddy bears, and dolls). You can find plenty of items at thrift stores that with a little imagination can be grouped together or accented to make great decorations, such as costume jewelry.
Related Article: Help! My Potted Christmas Tree is Turning Brown: Tips for Saving Your Tree
*When picking objects for decorations, avoid the color of your tree. Green decorations hung on a live tree will fade into the tree and not be seen. Add some shiny objects for sparkle.
To make a very economical, shiny ornament, take the top of an aluminum can and punch a design with holes using an awl or other pointed tool. Glue a decorative trim around the edges. Hang with a ribbon, yard, or dental floss.
*Shiny ornaments can be made by just covering objects with aluminum foil. Vary the shapes. You can also hang your cookie cutters.
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*Use those little school pictures of your children. Place them on a piece of supported felt and hang. You will treasure them for years to come.
*Use old Christmas Cards. Cut them into the desired shape, and then use a hold punch around the edges. Whip stitch ribbon or yarn through the holes, or crochet around the edge.
*If you like to paint, you can make ornaments out of dough and then paint them. I’m not a big fan of using food for decorations, but they are cute.
*Hang pinecones. Add cotton balls for snow or leave them plain.
*Get the whole family involved, and make colorful, old-fashioned paper chains. If you are going to use popcorn, be sure and let it sit a day after you pop it before you string it.
*If you have ribbons, laces, and other sewing accessories, make bows.
*Candy canes are great by themselves and can also be made into reindeer by using pipe cleaners and gluing on eyes.
Reprinted with permission from:
The Pennypincher
An E-zine for the Frugally Minded
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